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Kogun ainult Eesti šokolaadifirma Kalev pabereid.
December 28, 2012
2012 Piimašokolaad mandlitega "Kalevipoeg" 100g
Eesti rahvuseepose Kalevipoeg müütiline nimitegelane on tuntud oma vägitegude poolest. Vendadega peetud kiviviskevõistluse tulemusel maa kuningaks tõusnud kangelane kündis maad ja võitles sissetunginud vaenlastega, käis allmaailmas ning võttis ette avastusretke maailma otsa. Muuhulgas olla see Kalevi ja Linda hiiglasemõõtu poeg tekitatud Eestimaale hulga järvi ja künkaid, heitnud paika rändrahne ja loonud allikaid...
The mythic protagonist of the Estonian national epic Kalevipoeg is renowned for his feats of heroism. Crowned as the king after winning a stone throwing game held with his brothers, this champion of the people ploughed and cultivated the land, protected his minions by fighting off invading forces, visited the underworld and undertook a journey to the very ends of the world. The giant-sized son of Kalev and Linda has shaped many of Estonian lakes and hills, rolled into place giant boulders and brought forth fresh water springs…
2012 Piimašokolaad metspähklitega "Linda" 100g
Tedremunast sündinud müütiline Linda oli ilus ning uhke naine, kes lükkas tagasi kuu ja päikese ning tuule ja vee kosjad. Alles võimas Kalev oli talle meeltmööda. Lindal sündis kolm poega, noorimast neist sirgus isavääriline vägilane, Eesti rahvuskangelane Kalevipoeg. Pärast Kalevi surma põlgas lesk ära mitmeid kosilasi, teiste seas Soome tuuletarga Tuuslari. See tahtis Linda vägisi kaasa viia, kuid taevataat Uku päästis naise, muutes ta kivirahnuks Tallinna äärele Irumäele.
Born from a grouse egg, the mythical Linda was a beautiful and proud woman who turned down the Moon, the Sun, the Wind and Water in favor of the mighty Kalev. Linda bore Kalev three sons and the youngest of these sons grew up to be a hero worthy of his father’s name: the national hero of Estonia, Kalevipoeg. After Kalev himself had perished, the widowed Linda rejected several suitors, among others the Finnish wind sorcerer Tuuslar. The powerful sorcerer thought to take Linda with him by force, but the noble sky god Uku came to her aid, turning her into stone not far from Tallinn, at Iru hill.
2012 Tume šokolaad metspähklitega "Kalev" 100g
Eesti rahvuskangelase Kalevipoja müütiline isa lendas kord põhjakotka seljas Viru randa, kuhu ta rajas riigi ning sai selle esimeseks valitsejaks. Nainud kauni Linda, valitsesid nad kaua ja õnnelikult seda maad. Pärast Kalevi surma sündis Lindale viimane poeg – igati isa vääriline Kalevipoeg. Lesk kaevas mehele haua ning kandis selle peale hulga suuri kive, et see tulevastele põlvedelegi näha oleks – nii tekkis Toompea mägi.
Once upon a time, the giant Kalev, the father of the Estonian national hero, soared to the coast of ancient Estonia on the back of a majestic North Eagle. Here he founded a kingdom and became its first ruler. He wed the beautiful Linda and together they governed the realm through a lengthy period of happiness. After Kalev’s passing Linda gave birth to their last son, worthy of his father’s name – Kalevipoeg (the Son of Kalev). The widowed Linda prepared a burial site for her husband and brought giant boulders to mark its location for generations to come. This is how the hill of Toompea was created.
2012 Piimšokolaad mandlitega "Kalevipoeg" 300g
Kalevipoja pakend on muutmata kujul olnud kasutuses juba üle 40 aasta.
Omaaegse Kalevi peakunstniku Ilse Rosenfeld-Lepiksoni loodud Kalevipoja-motiivi eeskujul joonistasid samas stiilis Kalevi ja Linda reklaamiagentuuri Identity disainer Maret Põldre koostöös loovjuht Ionel Lehariga.
Eepose šokolaadidest vanim on Kalevipoeg, mille tootmist alustati Kalevis juba ca 50 aastat tagasi. Kalevipoeg kuulub tarbijauuringute põhjal ka Eestis enim ostetud šokolaadide etteotsa.
Kalevipoeg's packaging has remained unchanged for 40 years.
Designer Maret Põldre from the advertising agency Identity, along with creative director Ionel Lehari drew the new Kalev and Linda based on the Kalevipoeg motif created by one-time Kalev head artist Ilse Rosenfeld-Lepikson.
The oldest of the epic chocolate bars is Kalevipoeg, which was brought into production by Kalev ca 50 years ago. Kalevipoeg also is one of the most purchased chocolate bars in Estonia, according to consumer studies.
The Kalev chocolate bar was added to the confectionery company's selection a few short years after Kalevipoeg entered the market, i.e. in the late 1960s. The newest of the epic chocolates is Linda, but even this sweet has been enjoyed for 30 years.
2012 Tume šokolaad metspähklitega "Kalev" 300g
Omaaegse Kalevi peakunstniku Ilse Rosenfeld-Lepiksoni loodud Kalevipoja-motiivi eeskujul joonistasid samas stiilis Kalevi ja Linda reklaamiagentuuri Identity disainer Maret Põldre koostöös loovjuht Ionel Lehariga.
Šokolaad Kalev lisandus kommivabriku sortimenti vaid mõned aastad pärast Kalevipoja turuletulekut, s.o. 1960.-ndate lõpus. Kõige uuem Eepose šokolaadidest on Linda, kuid sellelgi maiusel on vanust juba 30 aastat.
Designer Maret Põldre from the advertising agency Identity, along with creative director Ionel Lehari drew the new Kalev and Linda based on the Kalevipoeg motif created by one-time Kalev head artist Ilse Rosenfeld-Lepikson.
The Kalev chocolate bar was added to the confectionery company's selection a few short years after Kalevipoeg entered the market, i.e. in the late 1960s. The newest of the epic chocolates is Linda, but even this sweet has been enjoyed for 30 years.
Šokolaad Kalev lisandus kommivabriku sortimenti vaid mõned aastad pärast Kalevipoja turuletulekut, s.o. 1960.-ndate lõpus. Kõige uuem Eepose šokolaadidest on Linda, kuid sellelgi maiusel on vanust juba 30 aastat.
Designer Maret Põldre from the advertising agency Identity, along with creative director Ionel Lehari drew the new Kalev and Linda based on the Kalevipoeg motif created by one-time Kalev head artist Ilse Rosenfeld-Lepikson.
The Kalev chocolate bar was added to the confectionery company's selection a few short years after Kalevipoeg entered the market, i.e. in the late 1960s. The newest of the epic chocolates is Linda, but even this sweet has been enjoyed for 30 years.
2012 Piimašokolaad metspähklitega "Linda" 300g
Omaaegse Kalevi peakunstniku Ilse Rosenfeld-Lepiksoni loodud Kalevipoja-motiivi eeskujul joonistasid samas stiilis Kalevi ja Linda reklaamiagentuuri Identity disainer Maret Põldre koostöös loovjuht Ionel Lehariga.
Šokolaad Kalev lisandus kommivabriku sortimenti vaid mõned aastad pärast Kalevipoja turuletulekut, s.o. 1960.-ndate lõpus. Kõige uuem Eepose šokolaadidest on Linda, kuid sellelgi maiusel on vanust juba üle 30 aasta.
Designer Maret Põldre from the advertising agency Identity, along with creative director Ionel Lehari drew the new Kalev and Linda based on the Kalevipoeg motif created by one-time Kalev head artist Ilse Rosenfeld-Lepikson.
The Kalev chocolate bar was added to the confectionery company's selection a few short years after Kalevipoeg entered the market, i.e. in the late 1960s. The newest of the epic chocolates is Linda, but even this sweet has been enjoyed for 30 years.
Šokolaad Kalev lisandus kommivabriku sortimenti vaid mõned aastad pärast Kalevipoja turuletulekut, s.o. 1960.-ndate lõpus. Kõige uuem Eepose šokolaadidest on Linda, kuid sellelgi maiusel on vanust juba üle 30 aasta.
Designer Maret Põldre from the advertising agency Identity, along with creative director Ionel Lehari drew the new Kalev and Linda based on the Kalevipoeg motif created by one-time Kalev head artist Ilse Rosenfeld-Lepikson.
The Kalev chocolate bar was added to the confectionery company's selection a few short years after Kalevipoeg entered the market, i.e. in the late 1960s. The newest of the epic chocolates is Linda, but even this sweet has been enjoyed for 30 years.
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